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Windows 8 hangs after starting new DL with uTorrent


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I have win8.1 os and uTorrent 3.4.2 (32126) installed.

After starting a new download that costs more than 10gb of HDD space (right now I have 2 downloads = 12 and 24 gb in ~35 files) torrent clients highly affects system performance. HDD queue is > 10, nothing is still downloading but HDD usage is extremely high. When "empty" files have finally written systems become stable. If using task manager to try to kill the process - OS crashes and only reset helps.


If any1 knows how to fix this please respond.

Hope this will be fixed in new release.


Best wishes for all

Sorry for my bad knowledge of English  :(

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High disk usage is normal when the client is allocating big files. Set diskio.sparese_files to true helps a lot, but it's causing file fragmentation. The best solution: don't download to system disk. You need a separate HDD for torrent downloads.

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