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utorrent port range


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i am running utor no problems. but i am finding that my second computer is slow when running utorrent.actiontec router portforwarded second pc connected by ethernet first which irun utor from is runnin wireless when i turn off utorrent everything seems fine but when run again it gets bogged down. remote ip range is set to 0-655... etc any ip. could this be the problem should i set this to 10000-65535. any help appreciated. thx

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i understand utorrent only needs 1 port. i thought remote ip range were the people tryin to connect to me. if i cut this number down i will connect to less people and dl will be slower i thought. i still dont understand why when i run utorrent my other computer bogs down. im still really new to this so any help will be appreciated thxxxxx

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Port forwarding does NOT affect outgoing connections, it only affects incoming connections. Anyone who tries to connect to you MUST use the single port you specified in µTorrent -- the single port you need to forward. Attempting to connect to you on any other port is stupid, and even suspect behavior.

In short, no, you still don't need to forward that huge range of ports, despite what you think, because it's just not how things work.

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