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Impossible to navigate / using other bandwith apps.


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Before u guys start to saying the same topics, i mean , lower the number of connections, lower the upload limit, etc, i tried everything and it doesnt matter if i put 50% in download / upload limit, or if only put 100 limit on number of peers connected per torrent, when i use utorrent, its impossible to use another bandwith program, or to navigate for internet. I have about 8 mb download and 1 mb upload, i tried with values of 60 in lmit upload, and 600 in download, i changed all the values to almost minimium (included the max number of connections) and i cant see any change. When i use utorrent, i cant use almost anything else. Any ideas? I know people complain much about utorrent and its nature to overload connections, but this is just absurd. Sometimes i only have 2 downloads in progress downloading at 50kb/s between both, and uploading at 40kb/s and the bandwith is almost gone. I cant understand. I dont use firewalls, and the windows defender is deactivated (as well as the windows firewall). I tried a lot of configurations, but it seems that utorrent ignores all the values on the options windows or i am just out of ideas.

Any ideas??

P.D.: I use ares and emule too, and i dont have any problem with em. They work perfect and i can do anything i want in the meantime. I know is not the same, but y a utorrent program cant respect the bandwith?

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Thx, but i already tried , as i said in my first post, a lot of configurations and of course i already tried the values that those guides suggest ( i am not new at utorrent, i read a lot of guides time and time ago like the ones u are showing me) . I even tried, lower values to give my bandwith more space, but nothing seems to work. I have no speed issues, the download/upload speed of utorrent is just great, but i cant do anything else while i am using utorrent. My actual configuration is maximum upload rate -> 68 maximum download rate -> 650 global maximum number of connections- > 500, maximum number of connected peers per torrent -> 100

Router sinc at -> 8 mb download 1 mb upload

As u see, those values should leave me able to use other bandwith apps, or just navigate internet, but it is not the case. So maybe i am asking for some tips from someone who suffered the same problem, cuz it seems that its not a configuration problem. Maybe my OS has something to do (Vista) but i am not aware of utorrent having this kind of problems with Vista (i already fixed the bandwith limit on vista).

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