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Everything posted by oldboy

  1. ludde, I have no way to know what your agenda is, but there's one thing I know: you have handled this thing badly right from the start, dismissing the problem as inexistent; when a new piece of the story would emerge, you acknowledged it only making things less and less clear. One moment you know, then you don't know, then again you knew but not in the way that we might think and so on... You can go on dismissing forever, but I don't think that'll make things any better, because I feel the underlying message that is passed on to the audience is that you care so little about them, that they do not even deserve to be told the truth right from the start.
  2. I understand your point of view, but to me you're hiding your head in the sand. We have all been damaged by the so called "uTorrent fiasco", just pretending it hasn't happened won't make things any better.
  3. I've only learnt of this news today, sorry if I'm late but I'd like to comment on it anyway. I see a lot of emotive reactions on this thread, many speak about morality, trustworthiness... Morality?? The world of business is not one where morality counts anything, trustworthiness is an artificially built perception handed out to the customer... business only mean exploiting opportunities when you can. So I'm pretty persuaded that, from his point of view, ludde was right when he signed. And probably this contract doesn't mean much in itself. But when he signed, he has shown clearly that he has a weak point in that he is willing to make money out of uTorrent, no matter who are the people paying the bills. Maybe he's been tricked into stepping in a marketing trap, but now his public image (and utorrent's) has been tinged with the shadow of doubt, and it will take a lot to wash it out. In the world of opportunity, people will keep wondering why he did take such a step, why he lied about not knowing anything about PeerFactor, they will keep wondering if (or when) he will lie again and/or take other steps towards "crossing the barricade" (and also if he already made others we don't know anything about yet) I enjoyed using uTorrent and even managed to spread the word about it out there, but now that uTorrent has lost his credibility, it won't be that easy anymore.
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