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Everything posted by dagla

  1. Here are some logs. utorrents settings were: outgoing enryption enabled and incoming legacy allowed (any other encryption setting doesn't make a difference now, but this is what used to work) halites: encryption set to both - rc4 preferred, enabled for in and out too. max connections set to 20, uTorrent got stuck under 50kB/s, halite went up over 600 in a minute.
  2. I don't know if they updated how they work recently or not, just that now utorrent is 'blocked' again for us and those are not, so I assumed they use different methods. When they first started throttling/shaping/whatever the traffic about a year ago uTorrent was in 1.8 beta and it was updated in some way to solve the issue (deluge was working fine back then too, while uT 1.7 was not), so I'm hoping there can be a solution again.
  3. My isp UPC in hungary has once again updated their throttling methods, and the encryption in utorrent 1.8.x no longer gets around it. However deluge and halite's still work, and those are open sourced so if you could take a look at those and implement a similar solution I (and others) would be glad. thanks
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