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Everything posted by rl1993

  1. Ok, I just made the the complete v2.2 graph theme, you can download it here. https://rapidshare.com/files/573240226/uTorrent_Ver2.2_Graph_Theme.zip All you have to do is extract current.btskin from that zip and open it in uTorrent. Next time you restart uTorrent it should be running fine. Or if you've already got you're own btskin file just add these lines to it. Enjoy upload_rate_limit:800000 download_rate_limit:008000 upload_rate_payload:ff0000 download_rate_payload:00ff00 upload_rate_local:ff7070 download_rate_local:70ff70 upload_rate_overhead:800000 download_rate_overhead:008000 cache_reading:800000 file_reading:ff0000 cache_writing:008000 file_writing:00ff00 graph_bg:000040 graph_border:c0c0ff graph_text:ffffff graph_ruler:20209f graph_legend_bg:000020 graph_legend_text:e0e0ff ack_upload:ff0000 ack_download:00ff00 header_upload:ff7070 header_download:70ff70 connect_upload:ff8888 connect_download:88ff88 close_upload:ff6000 close_download:60ff00 retransmission_upload:600000 retransmission_download:006000 peak_send_delay:800000 avg_send_delay:ff0000 min_send_delay:800000 peak_recv_delay:008000 avg_recv_delay:00ff00 min_recv_delay:008000 target_delay:aaaaaa eye_piece:ffffff cursor_piece:0000ff deadline_piece:00ff00 hole_piece:00ffff ghost_piece:ff0000 prio_window_start:ff00ff prio_window_end:ffff00 total_pieces:7f7f7f critical requests:00007f critical requests cancelled:007f00 non-critical requests:007f7f buffer_size:7f0000 secs_ahead_of_ghost:7f007f secs_ahead_of_eye:7f7f00 secs_of_underrun:0f0f0f
  2. I was also a little confused about your guide, but discovered very quickly where the confusion was coming from. You kept making mention of a file called current.btskin which didn't make any sense as the download link gave us a file called Old_Graph_Style_in_uTorrent_3.zip with an unknown file called btskin inside. No extraction is nessessary to get it to work. All you have to do is download that zip file, change the file name (and extension) to current.btskin, and open that file in uTorrent. The next time you restart uTorrent it will have the Graph with the Blue background. I was also a little dissapointed that the line colours wern't the same as they were in version 2, and If I have time I might make my own btskin file to fix this and upload it.
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