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Posts posted by ciaobaby

  1. I am assuming you are talking about peer to peer connections that the downloading/uploading torrents are doing
    Nope, it is the pieces that are cached and not committed to disc and/or pieces that are being written to disc.
    are there any consequences of closing "ungracefully"?

    all downloading jobs going into recheck every start up and/or a risk of data corruption.

  2. Is it that you are assuming that the number of upload slots is the number that the client HAS TO USE ALL THE TIME?

    Because it isn't, it is the MAXIMUM allowed to be used for any job at any point in time, if it only needs one it WILL ONLY USE ONE and that ONE slot maybe in use for SEVERAL PEERS

    An upload slot is NOT EQUAL TO A CONNECTION

  3. Difficult to actually test without having the same torrent as they are seeing the problem on

    Not so . I did. It happens with every torrent' date=' at least for the first few minutes. I suggest you better do the same ...[/quote']

    SO you didn't consider that it may be that I am not seeing this "problem".


    The last two downloading jobs have been running for about 20 minutes.

  4. So?????

    It means that only ONE peer is connected and that peer is "Unchoked" (allowed to get data), You can't change that and NEITHER can the developers.


    You could have only one job running with a THOUSAND upload slots, and if only ONE peer wants to connect, that is ALL you will get.

    If this is on a private tracker, it is simply an effect of gross 'overseeding' by idiots who think that it will help their ratio in some way.

  5. They never require AUC,
    UAC by the way.

    If the applications are installed in the CORRECT directory ("%systemdrive%\program files") which is a trusted location, a UAC prompt will only occur if and when an application is altering settings that affect machine startup.

  6. 3.3 and 3.4 install into %appdata%/uTorrent/ to bypass the UAC (User Access Control) and allow "silent updates" to the client.

    Oh' date=' really? Then why do I get a UAC prompt (you read my other posts today)?[/quote']

    Maybe you should read the replies, and having several threads for ONE issue makes it bloody difficult to figure out what is going off.

    Unless you are THE Administrator applications that "run at startup" NEED elevated permissions to start up.

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