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Everything posted by ciaobaby

  1. http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=713538#p713538
  2. Scanned column on Files panel return to visible after GUI window is resized. (30271 not yet available on the CDN for my locale)
  3. Then simply wait and it will update when it's your client's "turn". And there is no need to 'install' just download the exe into the installation directory and overwrite the older version. (stop the client first).
  4. It does, but not every time you try it.http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=713538#p713538
  5. Start here >>> http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=755786#p755786
  6. Therefore not supported at these forums.
  7. Yeah, but this time it is by design
  8. Man, ... You really should give up this silly vendetta/hate campaign or whatever it is you think you are doing, because you are making it far too easy for me to pull your strings and get you dancing All I need to do is leave you a little bit of tasty bait laying around and you're on it like a rat on a sandwich.
  9. Because a thread subscription does not send a 'thread updated' when a post and/or the thread title is edited to add , only when a new post is added.
  10. And were they found on YouTube?
  11. Will the icon on the "Inactive Category" also be changed to reflect the 'Paused' status? As it currently still has the 'Stopped' icon.
  12. They would also need to be somewhat physically deformed also, because the relative lengths of forearm and thumb makes it geometrically impossible.
  13. Not particularly "suspicious" for distrubuted systems, I don't imagine for one minute that there is only one, single point (node) in the versioning system that releases builds to the CDN, and with the frentic pace that Alpha and Beta builds are done it's not really surprising there are anomalies in the way they appear at the public end. And of course the only ones who actually notice this occuring, are the small percentage of users that are actively testing Alpha and Beta versions and builds so are checking on at least a daily basis for new builds. The overwhelming majority of uTorrent and BitTorrent users will not notice anything untoward because they will only be updating if and when their client informs them of a new version being available.
  14. Build numbers are automatically updated/incremented by the CVS / compiler when the source code is built (=compiled) into an executable file.
  15. 30246 beta is indeed there for download...You should really try before being so Gung-ho. mike20021969 wote: Not here it isn't! UK - 15:25 UTC
  16. How so? There isn't just one person compiling the source code into executable builds.
  17. That would probably depend on how BitTorrent's versioning system pushes the builds to the CDN.
  18. That's how CDNs work, there are multiple data centres with multiple servers and requests is sent to the cheapest ('cheapest' as in least cost routing terms NOT monetary) node with available resources to handle the request, and updating content to a CDN follows a similar principle because updating the data to ALL nodes at the same instance would result in a resource drain on the network, and as CDNs are intended for high availability, anything that can create a very high burst of activity is avoided, as it would be a bit pointless for a CDN to be creating a DoS attack on it's own system from time to time. Your results are simply the net effect of that'rolling' or staggered updating.
  19. You guys do realise that CDNs don't necessarily update for EVERY location in the world at the same time don't you?
  20. Oh I see...We is incorrect as you state....Unless you are taking it upon yourself to talk for everyone on here! Actually "We" IS the correct term to use, because it is refering to all, or most of the other responders to this particular discussion. Do the Constitutions of both the United States and of India that both start off with "We the people ..."mean everybody in those particular counries? "We" in the context used here is simply a grammatical construct meaning "the community". Of course it does not mean that the one using that construct speaks for every individual, it is simply used as an analogy for "I believe that the general feeling of the collective is, ...".
  21. test update from to Status column text disappeared. A force reset and rebuild restored the missing text.
  22. It's called 'burst rate' or 'bursting' in networking and is perfectly normal.
  23. Man you need to take off those blinkers and join the real world of programming where ANYTHING that should not happen IS a case for concern and EVERY symptom can take one nearer to the root cause.
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