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Everything posted by thelittlefire

  1. It does though... it has the equivalent to utorrent.lng I just downloaded the EN language pack for it
  2. Use the troubleshooting forum. What is your setup? What are their status?
  3. I don't use "seeding has higher priority"... I don't know if it's a regression or new behavior. Some of the mechanics are counterintuitive with the thresholds... i.e. if a downloading torrent is under the limit it will trigger it, but not if the upload of the downloading torrent is.
  4. If you have Queueing settings... AND seeds have higher priority, ALL seeds up to that active amount are running. Lower your seeding torrents
  5. Is it in the utorrent.exe process? Where is it? If you enable bypass windows cacheing in the Advanced > Disk Cache pane does the RAM reappear?
  6. ... Change your upload threshold to allow more files in your Queueing options to run. You will find them as new options under queue.dont_count_slow_dl/ul
  7. Did you close uTorrent correctly? What's with the attitude? You may be unlucky enough to have corrupted resume.dat. First I'd be sure your torrents aren't still there, open F7 (Category Pane) and then select ALL.
  8. You really should be using at LEAST 1.7.7 if you don't want to update to the stable 1.8 atm. It's going through some growing pains.
  9. Abel, to use ONE copy of source files, in the Files tab, right click "Relocate"
  10. Indeed, and the pictures help alot. Hmm, I like the idea of an additional screen. If you've got time for development, definitely more ideas first sort of like how Ultima did http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=31306 updating when time allowed.
  11. Can I ask the differences between the 2.0 and 3.5? I've never seen someone code for two different framework versions, heh. I like the interface and the similarity in skinning is very useful
  12. Perhaps if they knew what size it needed to be/have? I.E. most screens are < 320x240, with like 12 or 14px icons.
  13. Lost setting... perhaps they turned off "default settings overwrite existing ones".
  14. Best practices should always include backing up your files http://utorrent.com/faq.php#How_can_I_backup_my_settings.3F but really there is no difference. uTorrent ignores unrecognized fields (1.8 specific).
  15. If more people saw it, or if the developers weren't so overworked I'm SURE they'd take some of the information in this thread to heart I know I appreciate the nuance you provide for variety and certainly in the way the information is presented for the new user. Don't lose hope
  16. I don't know I thought the browser handled it... the non-fixed width (monospace) is Times, and the fixed width is Courier. If the graph should always be lined up, why not specify it in the post with whatever tag it was in the third example.
  17. Is it possible for the "wizard" portion of the Speed Guide to NOT continue without changing from the default setting when/if there is a change made to the screen? I had forgotten the exact link to this thread and came across http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=11459 instead... very exciting to see this thread being referenced more given the current dearth of preset options. I would also like to say for whatever reason the graphics don't line up for me either... and show all graphs on the first page.
  18. well yeah, it's been updated http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=42218
  19. Additionally as I said in the 1.8 development thread: If you cannot find the settings you're looking for in the Advanced screen... look harder, and read the manual.
  20. You can actually set your upload limit TO the theoretical limit in 1.8 AS LONG AS you enable bt.calc_overhead. Well, gomp has problems aside from configuration, either a bad connection at the local or remote end with his ISP. More would need to be known about it though, so a new thread would be the wisest course of action.
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