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Everything posted by ghita.silviu

  1. Windows caching problems are related to the number of jobs that are active and holding file 'handles' open that "Superfetch" is 'anticipating' as being required to be instantly available. You can test different settings for a fixed size "swapfile" rather than allowing Windows to manage it automatically (which it rarely gets right), start with it set to 1.5 x RAM as a minimum size and 2 x RAM for the max size (so 4GB RAM would mean 6166MB to 8192MB swap file size (System Properties -> Avanced -> Performance) ArsTechnica have a article that explains the Windows NT variants memory handling in a not too geeky way. The thing is ... The 'other options' also add to the overhead. I Have 1000 Mb cache set for utorrent. If i go for 1800 it will freez even faster. i have 32 Gb of ram, i still need to set the swapfile to 40min -60max GB ?
  2. LE: Also from time to time utorrent close without any reason or warning, and i have to start it and wait to check the torrents...
  3. Oky, i see the point, But why with another torrent client i am having constant download speed ? i like utorrent very much for all his other options other clients don't have
  4. Big problems @ speed above 100 Mbps. I am getting the RAM full, and the download stops. This problem is here since the launching of windows 7 Other clients are doing decent jobs @ hi-download speeds. I even payd for a utorrent licence for supporting this... but still same old problem. So, How long will it pass until utorrent will be able to download @ hi-speeds without messing up the windows caches, and fill the computer ram memory ?. Thanks.
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