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Posts posted by Firon

  1. ludde doesn't want to make users have to download a 160KB dll. And it doesn't provide full unicode support anyway, I think.

    And there is, various fixes, additions, and the client won't choke on UTF-8 torrents (I believe) even on 9x systems.

    there's been a few new advanced options and whatnot, look around the FAQ to see. (it's updated already)

  2. µtorrent 1.2.3-beta-358 (Unicode) is out. It works with Windows 9x/ME and 2K/XP. Of course, Unicode works only on 2K/XP.


    Please note that significant changes have been made to the 9x/ME code (It supports both ANSI/Unicode from the same executable), so things might have broken.

    The torrent maker wasn't working in the previous beta, but is fixed now. The new beta also enhances support for Chinese torrents.


  3. How would not having the flag make a difference? You'd still be wondering which ones are US and which ones aren't. It makes absolutely no difference, apart from seeing a flag, and not seeing a flag.

  4. Not really, I had no problems finding 15 hosts with the US flags showing...

    why would it make a difference? you see the US flag virtually exclusively with .com/.net, it wouldn't be very different if you had no flag showing instead. in fact, it'd be easier, because it wouldn't get mixed in with IPs that don't have flags :P

  5. Yeah, I put mine there for default use, mainly to use as a template. the host mappings (not the TLD list) are basically identical, just that mine doesn't map |US, since it's not required when you're not using a custom flag.

    Also, .net and .com only, you can't map .org

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