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Everything posted by bgmnt

  1. Writing just to say a ***HUGE*** THANK YOU! This is one of the best examples of how a good software should be written. Keep it up, it is very appreciated! Regards!
  2. Suggestion for the "Statistics Dialog": I think it would be quite useful to break the hours into days (probably years as well). Currently it's like 5201:19:34.. so... uh. I have no idea what this means, but dividing it by 24 reveals that it's been 216 days something (yeah, I used a calculator for that). Thanks
  3. Resolve IPs (im Peers Tab; Rechtsklick auf einen Peer) wird IPs fälschlicherweise mit Apostroph geschrieben. Laut Wikipedia ist der Deppenapostroph mittlerweile sogar im Duden, allerdings nur wenn man das besitzanzeigende s apostrophiert (wie im Englischen, z.b. uTorrent's Fenster). Wikipedia kann das aber viel besser erklären als ich: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostroph#Anwendungsbeispiele Auf jeden Fall gehört der Apostroph da nicht hin, wäre toll wenn du's für die nächste Version reparieren könntest Grüße und Danke für die Übersetzung
  4. Working perfectly on PC-BSD 1.3.3 (FreeBSD 6.1) over Wine 0.9.30. CPU usage is about 1.2% with 3 torrents running. Northwood P4c 2.6 1gb ddr400 Nothing too amazing with tweaks or anything.
  5. bgmnt

    WebUI v0.315

    I don't think that leaving traces of your IP and that you are downloading trought BT (at work ?!?) is very cleaver but if it's good for you... Beside this I've understood the goal of the project (and it could be useful at given conditions) but why not make it clear on the homepage or at the first post?
  6. bgmnt

    WebUI v0.315

    OK, nice, but now what? What's the point of having uT inside a browser? Or switching thru the windows is too hard? Regards
  7. bgmnt

    WebUI v0.315

    The UDP trakers are supported?
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