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Everything posted by RockyMM

  1. But why, @pr0xZen, cannot we have both. For a year "Append label..." was turned off in µTorrent, and only with this hack we, who want to use it, can use it. You, who want to use new and clunky system, feel free to do so, but don't deny my needs and my sense of comfort.
  2. Well, Well, Well... I am quite disappointed with label rule system. What could be done in just few clicks with "Append the torrent's label to the directory name" now is needlessly complicated. Let's check this user story: User steps - Append the torrent's label to the directory name style Go to uTorrent preferences Check Append the torrent's label to the directory name checkbox Add torrent to utorrent In the dialog that would appear choose a label or create a new one ??? The torrent will end up in a separate directory bearing the name of the labelUser steps - Label rule system Go to uTorrent preferences Create a label by typing label name clicking plus sign From the dropbox choose newly created label Click "..." button to choose download location This can involve a lot of unnecessary clicking through file system if I want the behavior as with the old utorrent Click plus sign Add torrent to utorrent In the dialog that would appear choose a label or create a new one ??? The torrent will end up in a separate directory bearing the name of the labelThis, rather simple, analysis shows that for what previously took 5 steps, now takes 8 steps. Additionally, if I create new label during the process of addition of new torrent, now I need to go to Preferences to choose where this new label would be stored - which involves a lot of clicking. Seriously, I don't know whose idea was this, but clearly you have not thought this through. Please, please, please, bring back Append the torrent's label to the directory name!
  3. Each major version of utorrent changes a bit user interface. I was wondering is it possible in Torrents Jobs List to have columns Up Speed and Down Speed display 0.0 as it was in previous releases?
  4. What about user string for Blizzard's client, BLZ?
  5. Yes, that was it. So, I assume that there is not a way to make that work like before?
  6. How to make speed tab behave like in 1.5? Meaning to disregard up/dl limit and to dynamicaly scales speed axis?
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