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My speed problem is just like "very slow downloads", which is locked.


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Good  afternoon,


I too have major speed problems with my downloads in uTorrent.  I have tried everything I could find in this forum and avoided the YouTube videos as posted.  Finally I was so desperate that I downloaded rafi's settings.dat file, saved mine, and renamed rafi's for my use.  I have seen a drastic increase in my download speeds but uTorrent crashes soon afterwards (usually half to one hour).  Rafi, I don't know if it matters but my PC is running Windows 7 Home, 64-bit version.


Any ideas why my uTorrent is crashing now?  I will be glad to upload any files (.dmp if I'm not mistaken) containing information related to the crashes, if needed.  One thing that I've noticed with uTorrent is that the download to upload ratio is roughly 20:1.






P.S.  I am downloading the MAME 0.162 EXTRAs files.

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