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Win 10+Synology NAS Error: An unexpected network error occurred (Writetodisk)


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Good morning all. I updated to Windows 10 about 3ish months ago and all was working fine. I went out of town for 2.5 months. When I returned utorrent will no longer download files to my NAS. The torrents will start and run for a few seconds before giving me the Error: An unexpected network error occurred (Writetodisk) message. That all being said I can still download directly to the computer I am on but this is the first time in 6 years of running a NAS that I have had any issues like this. Anyone have some insight into what could be the issue?


Utorrent Pro 3.4.5 build 41202 32bit

Synology NAS DS214se running DSM 5.2-5644


Thanks in advance.

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