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µTorrent 4.95$/Year - Good Idea !?!


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with all due respect (and I'm sure I'll get flamed for expressing my opinion), That's a little steep given that uTorrent is full of bugs, some of which have been around for a verrry long time, and you would certainly want all advertising, bundling and "phone-home" "features" removed.


Personally, I hate subscriptions. A shame the world is moving to that model. My preference is buy once. When you are on a pension, all of these subscriptions quickly exceed one's income.


The development cycle too is completely incomprehensible, and it's generally safer to not upgrade and wait for a while. You can never tell exactly what you are getting, assuming you can get it at all (Often when updates are released you can't access them anyway).


I think uTorrent has lost the trust of a lot of people over the last 12 months. Getting that trust back before introducing schemes like this would be a good idea IMHO


As I said, just my 2 cents worth.

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I believe this is a good idea that should be advertised by utorrent. http://www.utorrent.com/#comp-tbl

5$/year is a fair deal and a nice way to say thank you to the developers. And utorrent looks so much better after you upgrade it

Really good idea, now I got a nice piece of land in Siberia I can also sell you as well. This makes about much sense as no sense. If you don't want to use it get to another torrent program no one is forcing to use utorrent. Also I think you have deeper issue then what your saying there and just using the paid subscription as a talking point.

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