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How Hard Would It be to add backup settings?


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How hard would it be to add a backup settings feature as IMHO its badly needed.


I dont know how many times I was trying some different settings and wanted to revert back to settings I was just using or have more than one set of settings I wanted to use for different setups.


I know I can backup certain files with the settings or like me make backup copy of program folder but how many time have I forgot to do that or was too lazy to make a backup.


So again I like to know why feature is not there. May it be there in a future release?

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This is easy, simply go into My Computer, navigate to the following folder (I'm running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit) C:\Users\**YOUR-USER-NAME\AppData\Roaming

There you will find the uTorrent folder which contains your settings, just copy this folder somewhere safe and you can then easily restore them if and when necessary :-)

Ignorance, forgetting or being too lazy to backup is your own doing, and will kick yourself if you need something restoring!


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On 2/9/2016 at 11:25 AM, WWEfan69 said:

This is easy, simply go into My Computer, navigate to the following folder (I'm running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit) C:\Users\**YOUR-USER-NAME\AppData\Roaming

There you will find the uTorrent folder which contains your settings, just copy this folder somewhere safe and you can then easily restore them if and when necessary :-)

Ignorance, forgetting or being too lazy to backup is your own doing, and will kick yourself if you need something restoring!


Then why not add the backup option to the menu that backs ups that file?


Most people are not computer savy but they know how to use a programs backup feature and thats saying the programmers are lazy to not having it added  to utorrent! already!


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