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Question for Run this program when Torrent is finished


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Im using Run this program when Torrent is finished with the command line
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\winrar.exe" x -r "%D\*" "D:\TorrentDownload\_Dronedir\"

But can i get it only to run for specified labels with the %L parameter ? If so please help me!


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No, it is uTorrent related, since %L has nothing to do with Winrar... And yes, you can do that, by activating a cmd script, with the %L and an input parameter. Within that script you can do whatever conditioning you like to do... :

"d:\program files\utorrent\run-program.cmd" "%D" "%N" "%L"

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Your using Winrar to extract the file and if it doesn't like the file name then it won't work. Comes down to Winrar can't read the file. Maybe you should use a better program that is better at what your extracting - utorrent isn't extracting the file, WinRar is doing that job.

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