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Hey guys, Ive got couple of questions


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Im a torrent newbie and was just wondering about a few things

First of all, this torrent im downloading at the minute has the following:

Seeds: 2 of 6 connected (220 in swarm)

Wasted: 195mb 117 hashfails

Ok, there's only 2 of 6 people currently seeding, is this correct? But what's the swarm part about?

The wasted part, should I be worried that this is happening?

And also when I check the logger part of the program when a torrent is downloading, Im getting all these banned IP's and also Piece "Insert Number" Failed Hash Check

Is there such a thing as a bad torrent? Does this sound like one?

Would greatly appreciate it if an advanced torrenter could help me out, cheers

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The number in the parentheses is what the tracker is reporting, which is often inaccurate. 6 is the number µTorrent has confirmed are connected.

As for the wasted, that's a bit much. Yes, there are poisoned torrents, and this might very well be one, but it can also lie with your hardware. What router are you using?

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i it's a TV/Movie torrent it most probably is a poisoned torrent, try one of the OpenOffice torrents and see if it happens the same way, if not u can be sure u are getting a poisoned torrent and most probably never gonna end it so u better get a new torrent

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If there's enough people on even a poisoned torrent with real seeders then if you ban/block the tyical poisoners (especially the 38.x.x.x ip range and a few others...), you'll likely still finish the torrent -- it just may take a long time and you'll see numerous ip bans for hash failure along the way.

It might be worthwhile to close µTorrent and restart it once a day or more just to clear the temporary bans on ips for hash fails, simply because multiple ips often get banned for 1 failed hash...even though only 1 may have set bad data.

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