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Utorrent Freezes With no Reason


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Like other people, i got my utorrent client working really bad lately,

  • Window 10 x64 (i7-16gb ram SSD hdd)
  • Utorrent v. 3.4.5 Build 41712
  • Fastweb OpticalFiber Connection
  • I've just WINDOWS DEFENDER, no firewall no other protections, this pc is only for fun.

Now, since few weeks, i can't access the program, the rss feed torrent keep downloading but i can't delete complete torrent because each click on the interface is a secure freeze, the only way to intercat with the program is to disable the connection.

The banner space are always blank like the image, and to get the list of torrents i've to wait 10-20 min. If i click to fast it crash and closes, also with no torrent queued.

I don't know what to do, please suggest me something to try.

Best regards


Screenshot 2016-02-25 01.42.45.png

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