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I am a long time user of uTorrent. In the past 6 months, I have encountered an issue with my speed guide, as well as my overall speed. My speeds have also become quite sporadic throughout the day. At sometimes, I will have my full normal speed, but other times I will seem to be throttled down by 90% or more of my normal speed. I have kept all of my settings the same since the last time the speed guide worked with uTorrent. These settings always provided the best results, so I assumed I would leave them as they are because I have heard the horror stories about changing the settings, other than what the speed guide tells us to do.  I never have had this issue before these past few months. I use a proxy, but I have been using the same proxy for almost 2 years. Up until this point, my speeds have become quite faster since using the proxy, but now that my speed guide no longer works, it is as if it has affected my entire program. I have plenty of memeory on my HD, I have a great internet provider, a great router, I have forwarded my ports, and as I said this issue came and stayed for the past 6 months. Does anyone else have this problem? I have done as much research as I can possibly do on this topic, and I have found NO ANSWERS. I am not complaining that it is uTorrent, as maybe it is my proxy service provider, but if anyone else is experiencing this issue I would appreciate the help, dearly. The torrents I download are not old or overcrowded. I know the basics of ensuring optimal download speeds, but I really wish to have this speed guide problem fixed. Seeing as how I am a uTorrentPRO member and all, I think I should have the availability of the speed guide. Please, give me some suggestions. 

- Alpha

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