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Updated and crashed!


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I've just updated to 1.6, the exact moment before updating everything was working perfectly fine.

After updating everything crashed, I can't seed, I can't download, DHT doesn't work, all of the files appear in red buttons, in conclusion, my 1.6 doesn't connect to a single thing. Also there's no status light, not green not yellow just nothing.

It also says Unable to map UPnP Port. indeed that has always appeared in the log, and it worked fine.

Also it says that the port is not forwarded properly when i test it in the speed guide window, with 1.5 it always was smooth.

All the programs and antivirus and firewall are all the same as when i had 1.5.

I have a motorola cablemodem SBV5120.

Please help me!

Is there a way to go back to 1.5?

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Firewalls and Norton anything often spaz out whenever a program updates itself, forcing you to have to remove it from the exception list and re-add it.

Also, Norton is junk, and I suggest you uninstall it and get something better.

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