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FIXED: RSS episode number misinterpreted for tv series "The 100"


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There are issues using uTorrent's RSS downloader to download "The 100", the problem is described here:

I came up with a solution and thought I'd share.

I registered an account at http://new.showrss.info and created a custom feed for only "the 100" and set up uTorrent download everything in that feed, feel free to use my custom RSS feed: http://showrss.info/user/51089.rss?magnets=true&namespaces=true&name=clean&quality=null&re=null

Then just download everything from that feed, voila, problem solved!

On a related note, check out my program "uFiler" that compliments uTorrent RSS downloads very well: ufiler.wordpress.com

I hope this helps someone!



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