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D flag peer help


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Hi All

First time poster here (and fairly new to torrenting) thanks for any help provided! I am currently downloading two Torrents I wouldn't classify as dead but that are not popular ( usually 3-4 seeds on during the course of the day none of which I can connect too). My problem lies with the peers I am connected to. Currently I have around 1% of each Torrent but that's where my download stopped. I am still checking the peer list during the day and am usually connected to between 10 and 30 peers. Of those peers usually half have 70%+ of the file. Now to the problem is most of these peers have the 'D' flag up so going by what I have read I should be downloading from them but am not. Anyone seen this before? I have tried resetting, randomizing ports etc but am still not getting any download from peers flagged 'D'. Any thoughts?

Thanks Harry.

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Thanks for the quick replies I had a look through. I also went through Utorrent setup after install. I am fairly stumped on this one as It seems to be a selective issue some torrents download no problem while others including the ones I am talking about seem to start then stop. And as already said I will have a bunch of peers with more of the file than me (by more I am talking over 70% more) and 'D' flag up but my client doesn't download from them (mind you uploading from my client works!)

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