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Help Please!- not connectable


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Apologies up front for being a sub-nooob!!

I get quite low Download speeds and on the bottom I get the red circle with an ! in it. When I place the pointer over that it says: "NOT CONNECTIBLE- YOU NEED TO OPEN UP APORT SO OTHERS CAN CONECT TO YOU" and there's all Xs on my Flags.

I disabled all my firewalls and that changed nothing and haven't a clue about adding ports or anything. I now have 1.6- and I'm pretty sure that I didn't have this specific problem running 1.5- though speeds were always kinda slow then.

I have Verizon DSL but am only getting d/l speeds of about 10 kBs and upload speeds a little bit higher.

Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance!


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Next to your DSL modem, is there another box? Netgear, DLink, Linksys, SMC, etc that allows multiple computers to connect to your DSL connection? Or, you can go to Start>RUN> and type "cmd /k ipconfig" without the quotes, and if your IP starts with a 192, you probably have a router.

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Then you have a router and you need to forward ports to your private IP address in order to get a green light.

If you look at the IP listed in Default gateway, if you put it into your web browser, is SHOULD bring you to a login/web configuration page for your router.

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Update: well, I disconnected both my firewalls (the difference between that and last time it didn't fix the red icon was that this time I closed U-TORRENT and opened it back up) and that gives me a yellow icon down there, but the speed is still slower than molasses...

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