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Revisiting "Error: The system can not find the path specified. (WriteToDisk)"


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I have had the "Error: The system can not find the path specified. (WriteToDisk)" issue multiple times for a number of reasons and just wanted to put my observations out there for comments

1. Obviously, the 256 char limit is one of the issues and its well reported here in the forums. Moving the download location so that the path is shorter is the general solution.

2. Both Cortana and Windows Defender have caused this issue by "taking over the files" as they index and scan and seem to prevent writes to the files when they are somewhat large. Solved by creating exceptions or disabling them.

3. An issue I do not see reported is bad file names in the torrent file itself. For example, the torrent maker has a file with the same name as a directory. Not exactly sure how that happens without an issue on the uploader end but it seems possible that there is no error. So if the torrent contains a 40MB file with no extension named "filename" and a text file named "filename\textfilename.txt", utorrent does not seem able to distinguish and handle opening the files. clearly it's not actually a utorrent issue and the fault of the torrent maker, but after a frustrating afternoon trying to download a torrent containing a few GB of multiple files, the realization dawned on me that since the error was getting more frequent as the torrent progressed that the offending file(s) should stand out like a sore thumb. I right-clicked and chose "don't download" on the files since it was not essential and the error ceased to occur. But if there a lot of undownloaded files remaining, its likely you won't know what files are the problem unless they stick out like a sore thumb(and you finally facepalm yourself violently for not noticing before.)

If I have gotten it wrong, I apologize but #3 was very  perplexing and maybe that observation helps when someone else has lost all hope of finishing a download.



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