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UpnP Question


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I posted this in another persons thread and I had no intentions of highjacking it, so I apologize if I overstepped my limits. I thought it would be ok to post my question in the same thread seeing as it related to UPnP. Sorry again and any help is appreciated.

I am getting this error in the log since the upgrade to 1.6

UPnP: Port ***** is already mapped. Not re-mapping

What does this mean?

I never had this before. Everything is working fine as far as upload and download speeds.

I have a WRT54G V5 router

Thanks for any help

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I always run the port checker everyday to make sure everything is OK. I always get the OK when I do. I never had this message in the logger before and I was wondering why it is showing up now. Is there a way to stop this message appearing, or is this new in the update so I know everything thing is OK?

Thanks for your response.

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This error means that µTorrent was unable to map the port with UPnP. If you have a green status light or have forwarded your port manually, you can safely ignore this error.

It clearly says why it's happening (it can't map the port with UPnP), but since you have a green light, it's fine to ignore it... Or am I still missing something?

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OK please read my first post because I did not get the message that it can not map the port, It says:

UPnP: Port ***** is already mapped. Not re-mapping

It is mapped, I have a green light, speeds are fine, no problems with µtorrent.

Why do I get this message every 30 minutes in my logger.

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