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My mobile internet provider limits the speed


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Hi there guys,

After searching on the net trying to solve my problem without any solution, here I come hehehe.

The problem is that I moved to a place where there is no cable internet provider, so I use my 20Gb data plan of my cell phone to share internet to my computer with the 4G network.

Internet works perfect with everything but P2P clients. When I try to download from utorrent, the max speed is 30kbs, but if I download with jdownloader it goes to almost to 4Mb per second.

I read a lot and the problem seems to be the NAT and the fact that they close the ports and some stuff like that. The thing is that I can't open ports because I don't have router.

Is there any config or anything that I can do to bypass the download limit?

Thanks a lot guys!


jdownloader isn't high on their list that is why it's not throttle but evidently it will be come throttle it's a matter of time only. And torrent is so popular it is the main target right now. So don't think they aren't looking at jdownloader activities.


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