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1.6 Doesn't like UK ISP!!


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I am on NTL and since upgrading to 1.6 have found that I constantly have a red light indicating no connections. It was working before, I've double checked all ports have been forwarded correctly etc etc

NTL uses transparent proxies but they have reassured me that they have taken extra measures to ensure that they are torrent tracker friendly, they have also said that they do not block any ports nor do they shape traffic. They also informed me that they have not changed any configurations at there head apart from removing a previous 75gb / month bandwidth cap and allowed unlimited downloading on my connection (10mb)

I have tested u-torrent on other NTL connections (all connected to the Luton UBR) and they all get the red light, even if the router is bypassed completely. NTL is the biggest cable internet provider here in the UK, Could everybody on NTL be seeing this same problem? that's a lot of people.

If nothing has changed with NTL, and the PC's routers are configured correctly and other p2p apps work flawlessly then the logical cause of the problem is u-torrent it'self.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Your thoughts, suggestions flames or even solutions would be greatly appreciated. I don't rule out the fact that NTL could be at fault but it's very unlikely.


your logical conclusion misses one/some point/s:

Do you have some kind of "softwarefirewall"? And if so, have you told it to be nice to the new µT version?

Are you sure the Router is really configured correctly?

Does "other p2p apps" mean other clients that uses BT protocol?

"Real" Internet is real Internet no matter what Provider you have.

And because µT 1.6 works for others with "Real Internet" the logical conclusion must be; It can not be µT's fault. Its either some configuration fault on your side or your ISP cheats you!


I've disabled uPnP and I am 100% sure that I have no software firewall whatsoever and the windows firewall is disabled, I have also disabled my routers firewall and tried connecting my pc directly to the wall.

I phoned up NTL again yesterday and they assured me that under no circumstances do they stop customers using bittorrent, bittorrent is a major technology partner of NTL and NTL already provide video content via this protocol to subscribers of associated services. The guy on the phone also said this "NTL has worked with Ashwin Navin to ensure that our infrastructure adheres with the current bit torrent protocol."

The guy from NTL assured me that U-Torrent 1.6 is the problem, so what should i do now?


I know the NThell thing is a long running joke but NTL have really sorted themselfs out since those days!

I personally think NTL is the best ISP in the country. I've been with BT, bulldog and they all either have rate caps or useless ping times for gaming.

NTL are trialing 100MB broadband now anyway. It'll be years before BT can offer speeds like this, all the exchanges would have to be upgraded etc. eitherway Switching ISP's is the last thing on my mind. Going back to the proper bit-torrent client is a viable option.

I'd rather not have to because I like u-torrent, I'm just hoping the developers see this post and do a bit of research into the problem.

I like u-torrent, I'm just hoping the developers see this post and do a bit of research into the problem.

Okay, if this is what you really want then give the developer (its only one) the ability to do "research into the problem"

Because it seams that your problem is no broad problem that points to a mayor design flaw in µT because its not the case that tens of thousends storm the forum with your problem discription.

So the most common sense logical conclusion would be...

Anyway. read this How-to if you have the "hopes for your post" that you expressed above:



I too am on NTL and have been for years now. For whatever reason, when I updated from 1.6 stable to a newer 1.6 xx beta version it would give me the NAT error. I kept exactly the same settings that I did from 1.5 to 1.6 which worked fine and I was able to get full speed up and down, yet the 1.6 beta 'breaks' the connection. I realise betas can be temperamental so I have simply reverted to 1.6 stable for now. I always rememember when I used Azureus that certain updates would have the same effect, so I rolled back to whatever version worked for me. Try reverting back to 1.5 and see if that works, without altering any settings you have in place.

  • 3 weeks later...

Im having the same problem with ntl also but i am new to this and u1.6 is the first i have used

i have tried removing the router turning of the firewall safemode with network support every time i test my conection utorrent says all is ok but i never get a green light and im sat a upload of not more then 3.3kbs!

can any one help on this as its driving me mad!


Have experience with this situation. I use Azureus on the problem connection and utorrent on the other because of the limited resources on that pc which is used as a 2nd seeder only at my other residence(version 1.5). Solution for both clients is exactly the same for many trackers. It is the tracker's fault btw if everything else is fine and shows as such on an NAT test that shows your real IP(not the proxy's). Too often the torrent site sees your real IP, but not the tracker. In the options, there should be an IP and port override(there is in 1.5). Enter your real IP and announce ports in these fields. This is enough for some trackers, including sites that use Torrentbits source code. I'm fortunate enough that the problem sites accepted this override just fine. If you have a stubborn one, it gets more complicated. Most proxies operate on http port 80 traffic. You can try to fool it by either using a public transparent(you'll need to test if it forwards the proper headers) proxy or a url redirect that doesn't originate on port 80 but redirects to it may be enough.(you'd need to edit the base tracker url to the redirect and port you set up). utorrent and other clients have long been friendly for proxying tracker announces and this is one good reason why. Good luck.


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