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Can't get it to start minimized


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Starting minimized is a property of the shortcut to uTorrent, not a command line argument.

That seems to contradict the faq:

How can I make µTorrent start minimized?

Simply add /MINIMIZED to the command line. Either modify the shortcut, or if you want it to start minimized when starting with Windows, open the registry editor (Start -> Run -> regedit), browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, double click on µTorrent's entry, and append /MINIMIZED to the end of the command.

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How do i add the /MINIMIZED to this:



Alternatively, why not just create a shortcut in the Startup programs group of the start menu, and in the shortcut just specify 'Mininimized' instead of 'Normal window' in the 'Run' dropdown?

We don't support 1.5.x and older.

LOL. What a helpful response. Given that helping in this particular case is entirely version-unrelated, why not just help? :rolleyes:

I could rename the exe UTORRENT-BANANA.EXE - would you then refuse to answer such a simple question just because 'BANANA' isn't supported?

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