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stopping one torrent makes every downloading torrent speed down a bit


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I don't have en ealier version of u-torrent to test with. I did not have the same problem with ealier versions, I installed u-torrent some days ago and saw that this happend every time I stop one torrent when others are running.

UPnP port mapping is enabled

DHT is enabled

Half-open connections? Sorry, doesn't know where to find that or what it is :)

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If you've done manual port-forwarding, you don't need UPnP -- that's just the automatic (and somewhat unreliable) equivalent.

Half-open connections is set in µTorrent's advanced settings. The default value is 8, and it can cause major problems to set it higher on Win XP SP2 unless a special 3rd party patch is run on Windows.

DHT uses UDP packets to share info about what torrents you have shared, and aquire the same from others. Unfortunately, it causes problems with any router or modem that's not completely reliable.

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I have port forwarding in my router, so I turn off the UPnP then

Half-open is set to 8.

And I haven't had problems with this in ealier versions and I still use the same router as before:)

But as kraijeck said it's normal(?) If this doesn't happens to others it may be soething on my computer. If not I think many others should aslo see the same thing...

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Sorry for my first post. My English is bad.

At first I understand that you Run 5-6 torrent and suddenly stop 1 torrent make TOTAL download speed wiil drop a little.

That was I said it's Normal. I'm Sorry.

But now I know what you mean is EVERY torrent speed drop a little.

Try to Patch TCPIP.sys and set net max halfopen = 64

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I would think having half-open connections set rather high would make this problem worse instead of better.

Presumeably, any already-running torrents easily have enough peers/seeds already connected. So when you stop 1 torrent, ALL the peers/seeds you still have connected on the other torrents should be readjusted in speed to pick up the slack...should stabilize out at the new value in 5 seconds or less. However for those 5 seconds, closing out all the old torrent's connections may be causing some problems.

Madly opening LOTS of new connections (which is setting half-open connections higher is doing) would make that take longer and cause a harder hit in download speeds when 1 torrent is stopped.

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