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uTorrent stops my internet!


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the past month or so my internet stops working when I download, uTorrent will download torrents for about 5-10 minutes, reaching speeds up to 4mb/s as I'm with Sky fibre optic then my internet stops working completely, I have to press the reset button on my router. I've googled solutions and nothing works, I've tried changing "global maximum number of connections" from 200 to 100, didn't work, unticked "enable bandwidth management uTP", didn't work, please help!

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7 hours ago, shaun88 said:

the past month or so my internet stops working when I download, uTorrent will download torrents for about 5-10 minutes, reaching speeds up to 4mb/s as I'm with Sky fibre optic then my internet stops working completely, I have to press the reset button on my router. I've googled solutions and nothing works, I've tried changing "global maximum number of connections" from 200 to 100, didn't work, unticked "enable bandwidth management uTP", didn't work, please help!

Sounds like ISP throttle is what it sounds like does it go back to normal when you stop using utorrent in normal web browsing?

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On 2/13/2017 at 9:36 AM, shaun88 said:

DreadWingKnight nothing changed leading up to this :(

PiusX from what ive read on the internet I think it is ISP throttle but I don't know how to stop this. If I close utorrent I can use my web browser, unless whilst using utorrent it was killed my internet, then I have to reset modem

I think resetting your modem is hiding the real problem that it isn't the modem but your ISP that is the cause of it. Unfortunately such discussion will not be allowed here by the Rules and you will have to talk to your ISP about what your options are?

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