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Very Basic Info for New U-Torrent user- speed based


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I have a total newbie question -as I just started out using U-Torrent and seem to have hideously slow d/l speeds ( about 3kB/s per torrent ). Upload speed is twice that, pretty much regularly.

The question I have is about basically how U-torrent works:

From what I gather, my D/L speed is matched exactly from those who are seeding or 'active' peers.

I read here about people getting 500 kB/s d/l speed... how are they doing that???? Is it a very popular torrent whereby there are many seeds and those aggregate d/l speeds equal the 500? I have DSL but am getting zero k/Bs on 4 torrents now.

The question I have is; does d/l (and U/l) speed work exclusively on whoever is also d/l ing or uploading? Or is there anything I can do to inclease my slooooowwwwwww d/l speed?

Thanks in advance for your time and answers!


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I get up to 1.8MB/s download speed. I average 1.3-1.4MB/s on most torrents. This is because they are healthy torrents with many seeders, and also because my internet connection is a 15Mbps down and 2Mbps up cable connection.

You can't get 500KB/s if the highest your connection will give you is 100KB/s.

Did you run the speed guide properly?

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Because it depends on the health of the torrent.

If there are 600 leechers and only 1 seeder, the torrent is going to be slow as hell, especially if it was JUST added to the tracker.

If there are 20 seeds, but they are all on a 56Kbps connection, and there are 10 leechers, it will be crap too.

The fastest torrents are the ones with a high seeder to leecher ratio.

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That makes sense. In other words, you can have the most kickass conncection in the world, but if you latch on to 'lame' torrent (few seeders, lotsa leaches), yourd/l speed will be very slow....

Hey, SL83, thanks for your help several nights ago. Still getting the yellow icon on the bottom with the exclamation point that says 'no imcoming connections'. This all started when i switched to 1.6. I wonder if there's a way to get back 1.5?


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That makes sense. In other words, you can have the most kickass conncection in the world, but if you latch on to 'lame' torrent (few seeders, lotsa leaches), yourd/l speed will be very slow....

Hey, SL83, thanks for your help several nights ago. Still getting the yellow icon on the bottom with the exclamation point that says 'no imcoming connections'. This all started when i switched to 1.6. I wonder if there's a way to get back 1.5?


Were you using the default port for uTorrent? From what I understand, the upgrade to 1.6 changed the default port number.

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Here's a pic of what I'm talking about: http://img134.imageshack.us/my.php?image=torrent4bx.jpg

Top torrent is at a slick rate, bottom one at a crap rate.

Anything I can do on my end to solve this?

Thanks ========== Thanks for the screen shot- I'm thinking my problem is that I'm going for torrents with quite poor health.... I sure wish there was a way to speed it up, but at this point I'll keep my fingers crossed that the torrent even finishes. ha!


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Were you using the default port for uTorrent? From what I understand, the upgrade to 1.6 changed the default port number.=========

I was using the default port for 1.5. I suppose, I never even messed around with ports and it worked great on 1.5. All of asudden, on 1.6 I'm getting the cursed yellow and red lights down below... :)

What I wonder, is if I can get that a green light, would a torrent of poor health do any better? Hmmm....

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i downloaded my tv show, but when i try to play it all i get is sound? what's up with that? it was definitely slow downloading. it took about 5 hours for a 42 minute tv show. is this normal? also, would the fact that this show is filmed in australia have anything to do with my getting sound and no picture?

thanks for your help

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Another limiting speed factor:

How much do you have of the torrent that others don't?

If most peers are far ahead of you in percentage, you may have nothing to share with them...so likewise they will be more reluctant to upload to you...short of them having no one else to upload to!

All you need is a single piece other peers don't have to get their attention.

Ironically, on stalled torrents (alot of peers having the same percentage) any new peer that joins gets to the same percentage amazingly fast...as everyone who can upload has only that 1 peer to upload to! So the new peer sees "alright this torrent will be done in a hurry!"...to suddenly "it's not downloading at all!?!? It's broken! WTF?"

cmayes, it's off-topic but if you cannot view a video it's probably because you're missing the correct video decoder codec. µTorrent is just a downloader-type program, not an audio-video player!

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