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Permanent Yellow Connection Icon


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I've been using uTorrent for a couple of years and have always been delighted with it!

However, now I've updated to 1.6, my network connection icon is more-or-less permanently yellow (I have seen it turn green for a few seconds).

This apparently means "No incoming connections. Unless the icon turns green, it could indicate a problem with your network configuration."

When I run "Test if port is forwarded properly" it says the port does not appear to be open. But, my router (& other tests) show that the port IS forwarded correctly to my static IP.

Amazingly, I'm still getting very satisfactory upload and download speeds!

I've tried changing the port number, but it makes no difference.

So is this a bug? Or how can I fix it? Or should I just leave it?


Thanx for the reply. I don't run Live Messenger, or any other chat program (no mates!).

But you're missing my point. uTorrent appears to be working perfectly in terms of dl/ul. It's just that rather troubling icon, and the failed port forwarding test.


Herbiman I am pretty much in the same boat as you. I have the port forwarded as well even though the tests are saying otherwise (red status light).

However, I can still connect to other peers and seeds and am still getting decent download and upload speeds.

I tried some "fixes" but none of them seem to have worked. Like disabling DHT hasn't done jack for me.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with this odd problem.

Lets hope it's just a bug :D


Turns out the problem didn't have to do with static IPs at all...

My network got screwed up when I reset my router. I didn't know the router gave me a new IP address, I was still port forwarding to the old one. :P


Like some other users, since upgrading to 1.6, I've had a permanent yellow connection icon, and I fail the port forwarding test, despite continuing to dl and ul torrents. I had come to the conclusion that this was a bug (because I WAS still getting files), but I no longer think this.

On my XP SP2 system using a router and port forwarding, I solved the problem simply by re-installing the EVID patch http://www.lvllord.de/?lang=en&url=downloads

and then doing a hard reboot (soft reboot didn't do it for me).

I'm pretty sure that one of the windows updates had reset my number of half-open connections back to 10 (from 50).

You can get a lot of info about what's going on by using the "netstat" DOS command. (Use "netstat/?" or google "help with netstat" for more info.)

Try "netstat -p tcp" and find the port uTorrent is listening on. Before EVID patch I had 6 processes attached to the port. Afterwards, about 40!

Finally, I'd come to the conclusion that the port forwarding test was itself buggy -- but now I don't think so. You won't go green until you pass that test!

For what it's worth, I have DHT enabled, UPnP mapping OFF, and net.maxhalf-open (under Advanced) set to 8. (Other values here seemed to make no difference, although I have read you can set this as high as 50 (after EvId).


Same problem here, but more severe outcome. After upgrading to 1.6 (never had a problem with 1.5) I got a yellow light. The torrents was still downloading, but some -at very low speed (lots of seeders, good channels and still 1-2 kb). Problem was solved by stopping ICF/ICS service (I disabled windows firewall for my connection earlyer 'cause I am using Agnitum Outpost). But now my system JUST HANGS DEAD after some time with utorrent working (the time of work varies - 20 minutes to 3 hours). I suspected overheating, but it runs all day long without connection, and another day with only Download Master. I would like to switch back to 1.5 but I have no install and mods stated, that they will not provide older version , mean :( . I don't want to use another BT-client, 'cause I like utorrent.

Can someone send me 1.5 version of utorrent? please...


Rules removed and set again. Settings reseted (going to anyway 'cause all torrents were lost after one hang-up). The problem persist. Guess it can't be helped.

I happened to like Outpost, can't understand a thing in kerrio and hate built-in (and 3 hours of work without firewall resulted in 3 troyans and half-loaded with some garbage channel,).

Don't want to be rude, but I dont understand, what so bad about working on older version, as long as i don't need help on it? I know I'm stupid enough to not saved previous version, but for me your BT-client is the best of all, the BitComet is the only alternative, and it is slighty inferior.

Merged double post(s):

looks like the question is going out of topic, shall i ask it in another?

EDIT by silverfire: Please do not double post.


The Win XP firewall is sufficient to block trojans...though if you're allowing them through from websites, all bets are off regardless which firewall you use. "Do you wish to install MyWebsSpecialDownloader?"...should generally be answered with no. :D

A router that is not port-forwarding anything other than the 1 port for µTorrent will also block most trojans, except for the ones that use windows exploits to get in...that you also go to their website (thus you're the one making the connection.)

I use a very long HOSTS file to block lots of hostile web servers. It helps reduce pop-ups immensely. Even when I get one, they often have "this page cannot be displayed" in them because no data could be loaded from them. :)

If you are on a LAN with multiple computers you can access/modify, you could test to see if the firewall is on the computer or router/modem...by trying to download a local torrent from one computer to the other using µTorrent. Trying both ways will see if it's a 1-way firewall or not.


I like Outpost 'cause it ask me everytime a connection made. I'm living without AV andAntitroyans, (they eating to much CPU and RAM, and I want to play... sometimes). I prefer to monitor daily the processes with Process Explorer and AVZ4. Let's say that shutting down firewall is out of question.

2 switeck: Its my home PC so Lan is not present.

Returning to my problem, Before 1.6 I have no problems with μtorrent, now I have them, so ... I tired after a several-days-battle with my PC. Now temporary switching to BitComet,(tried Azureus, Bitlord, Shareaza,) but no BTclient uses less RAM and CPU than μTorrent, and i kinda like the interface. BTW, I notice, that i can avoid hang-up, if I restart μtorrent every 30 minutes of work (6 hours running and no crash). So i presume the problem may be in memory usage.

Dear Moderators! I understand you don't want to supply older version according to your rules (your logic must be like: more users on new version -> more feedback -> more progress, that's understandable), but may I ask members on forum to send me 1.5 version (I notice some people still using it)? IMHO it does not conflict with rules. Waiting for answer...


Yes, I cleared the data 3 days ago, 'cause after one crash I found myself with empty torrent list. It does not solve the problem.

BTW, I changed port to 6881, then to 11523, launched ICF/ICS and got a green light.

I checked the system event log - nothing. Just a standart time gap before restart.

I uncheck - automatic restart (have russian windows, so don't know how it reads), but still no BSOD, just freeze.

It's maybe a little late to state, but I have WinXP SP1. I checked the forum for simillar problem with 1.6 (freezing/crash after upgrading) and the only things left is to replace RAM or reinstall Windows.

It appears to me utorrent use a small amount of memory, but maybe it use this amount more intensively, so no other program may not notice RAM fault, and utorrent can. It just a suggestion though. Will try to test RAM with memtest. (sigh) so tired...


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