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Unable to reconnect to SOCK5 Proxy after Idle


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Hi guys, 


I've been having an issue for a number of months. I am currently using a SOCK5 proxy with my VPN provider. It works perfectly if I just started uTorrent and started transfers.


But when I am not downloading torrents and uTorrent goes idle for more than 30 mins roughly, I seem to loose connection to my proxy. When I add new torrents they get stuck on "Connecting to Peers" and will continue to do so until I restart the program.


Is there any logs I could take a look at or config changes I am missing?

Thanks guys

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21 hours ago, KingCollins said:

Hi guys, 


I've been having an issue for a number of months. I am currently using a SOCK5 proxy with my VPN provider. It works perfectly if I just started uTorrent and started transfers.


But when I am not downloading torrents and uTorrent goes idle for more than 30 mins roughly, I seem to loose connection to my proxy. When I add new torrents they get stuck on "Connecting to Peers" and will continue to do so until I restart the program.


Is there any logs I could take a look at or config changes I am missing?

Thanks guys

Support here is beyond the scope of utorrent that is between you and your VPN provider.

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  • 3 months later...

This is an issue with uTorrent, not PIA Proxy.


Other forums detail that qbittorrent/Vuze/etc works fine with PIA Proxy wihtout having to restart the progam.

Also, RSS does not work for most uTorrent users (newer versions?) when using a proxy:
1) -https://forum.utorrent.com/topic/105868-rss-feeds-showrss-dont-seem-to-be-working-in-newest-version-of-utorrent/#comment-522531
2) Myself, uTorrent v.3.5 build 43916

Solution (Windows 7, probably others versions too):
1) Save the following in Notepad as "restart_utorrent.bat" and save it in the uTorrent folder (or whereever you like) :
--------do not include this line-------
@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
set EXE=uTorrent.exe

FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto RUNNING
    echo uTorrent not running - exiting
    goto NEVERMIND

ECHO uTorrent running - shutting down and restarting
taskkill /im uTorrent.exe
start "utorrent" "D:\Dropbox\Store\Apps\uTorrent_S4\uTorrent.exe"

--------do not include this line-------

2) Setup a new Task in [Control Panel -> Task Scheduler] with the following settings:
- General
     - Run only whne user is logged on
- Triggers -> New
     - Begin the task: at log on
     - Repeat task every: 2 hours
     - For a duration of: Indefinetely
     - Enabled
- Actions
     - Start a program: <point to your "restart_utorrent.bat" file>

uTorrent will now shutdown gracefully and reopen after 60 seconds, every 2 hours, but only if uTorrent is actually running.



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Again for those not listening Proxy setting and VPN setting are between you and the those providers. Utorrent provides no help on configuration of Proxy or VPN they only provide a input for those settings nothing more.

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