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Deleting Parts of Files?


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Lets say I download a torrent that has 5 video files in it. I then decide I only want to keep 2 of them and delete the other 3 files. My goal is to keep seeding the 2 files but delete the other 3 (and thereby free up hard drive space).

I tried doing this by changing the Priority of the 3 files in the torrent to "Skip", then deleting the data files off my hard drive, emptying my Recycle Bin, then Force Checking the torrent. This didn't work and the torrent now shows up as "Error: Access Denied. (Check)" but Force Checking doesn't fix it.

Is there a proper way to delete parts of a torrent after having downloaded all of it, then retaining the ability to continue seeding the remaining parts that I want to keep?

Any help would be appreciated. (I may just be missing an obvious step)

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It's fixed! Apparently the torrent was Stopped and once I Started there was a little bit of data that needed to download. I then rechecked and everything is good. The deleted files are gone but the rest of the torrent is still seeding properly.

Thanks for the help!

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