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"Set download location" should not attempt to move multiple torrents simultaneously


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I've 7 large (about 15gb) torrents that I needed to move to another drive. They're all seeding so they're complete locally. I selected all 7, chose Set Download Location and picked the external hard drive for each one in turn (it'd be lovely to have a question "Use same location for all selected torrents? Yes/No")

uTorrent has been "moving" them for about an hour now, and the hard disk is thrashing like mad, so I'm certain they're all being moved simultaneously. There's no way that 100gb of data should take an hour to move from a SATA hard disk to a USB3 external drive - windows copy ops typically get 110 to 130 mb/second for this drive which is in the region of 400 gig an hour

Can the uT dev team please consider putting ALL "set download lcoation" commands into a queue so that only one is executed at once?


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