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cpu and memory...


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i have 512 of memory but i cant hardly get on any sites.i have a cpu monitor and when i went to get on this site it hardly shows any useage.my memory useage is 56 percent and my pagefile is 28 percent.im not sure what this is DU says 17 to around 55 kb/s.dl is anywhere from 6.5 to around 15.my upload is from 1.0 to 40kbs.its not steady at all.im not sure what is wrong.when i shut down utorrent everything is back to normal.

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i will do what you say and check those out.i never said mem or cpu had anything to do with it.i just wanted to see if they were issues and i can see they are not,thank you for the help.

i did the speed guide and the math and its set at global max 57.also my ports are 6881 and opened .the upnp wasnt disabled so i disabled that.im not sure what else to do,thank you for all your help.

wtf now its saying my ports are not opend.give me a break.lol.

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