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WSAEnumNetworkEvents error (10038)


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I'm getting a ton of these errors repeating.  The program still seems to be working though.  This may be connected with a torrent that is stopped because it encountered some sort of locked file in a large torrent.  That torrent gives a "Access is denied (write to disk)" which I don't get at all, I'm downloading a updated torrent update over the previous version's content, and I can access the data through explorer (win 7 this is) without trouble.  I have the unlocker utility, and it says the only program on the file is utorrent.  What is going on?

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Are you sure yours saves are going to right location? Usually that error means the save location is in a area with Windows doesn't permit you to write to or the drives that it saves to is not working or disconnected or Offline somehow. What are you talking about unlocker utility?

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