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Down speed starts at 1.0MB/s then after 10 minutes or so it drops down to 1kb/s or stops altogether.


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I start downloading a torrent, it starts off just fine. Around 1MB/s or so, sometimes even 3MB/s if i'm lucky. Then after some time passes, the download speed considerably slows down and then stops altogether. I currently have 4 torrents that completely stopped in their tracks and say "Downloading...", with an infinite ETA.

Another problem that i come across is sometimes when the torrent's download speed is around 1KB/s, the upload speed will be completely through the roof at around 1MB/s. It's really annoying considering i'm not uploading anything.

The same thing happens on qBIttorrent. I am new to these programs and do not know why this is happening. Please help. 

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You don't say what the status of the torrent is.  If there are no 100% peers, you will get the behavior you've described.  The torrent will download quickly until you have all the pieces that are available.  Then download speed will slow to zero, as there are no peers with the pieces that you don't have.  This isn't a problem with uTorrent nor your network.  You can give up, look for a different torrent with the desired content, or wait patiently.  Sometimes, a stalled torrent will come back to life if a peer with needed content comes back on-line.  Best of luck....

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On 3/27/2018 at 2:49 PM, NOVAZINE said:

I start downloading a torrent, it starts off just fine. Around 1MB/s or so, sometimes even 3MB/s if i'm lucky. Then after some time passes, the download speed considerably slows down and then stops altogether. I currently have 4 torrents that completely stopped in their tracks and say "Downloading...", with an infinite ETA.

That would surmise dead torrent or one no longer shared.

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