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UTorrent crashes Windows 98 computer...blue error screen pops up


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Hello all!

First off, I tried searching for this on the forum for my computer but was unsuccessful.

I just downloaded Utorrent yesterday and everything was fine. However, at one point, it decided to crash my computer. The computer brought up the blue error screen that says press any key to continue.....

Anyways, the computer won't continue. If I press a key, the computer screen just goes black and stays like that. I have to restart the machine.

Now this seems to happen EVERY time I start UTorrent. It crashes every time. Can someone help me or direct me to a link where this has been covered?


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I have Win 98SE, even when I push µTorrent to connect to well over 100 connections (I have used the 500 conneciton reg hack) things may get slow and need a reboot...but I don't remember µTorrent crashing due to that.

However I am using only a router as a firewall, nothing on the computer.

And my antivirus software is only a run-when-I-want scanner, not a bunch of DLLs and EXEs always running and tied into memory.

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