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Something weird.


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Hi! I'm a newbie here & I have some questions to ask & appreciate if anyone could explain this to me.

I recently seed a torrent using utorrent 1.6 & i could see there was a bunch of peers with no country flags but with the same ip addresses but the last numbers sequences like this - example....38.xxx.xx.233/234/235/236 & 208.xx.xx.101/102/103/104 all using Azureus 2306. And the weird thing is that they doesn't download anything from my client.

Their flags are mostly K/KX/KIX & even wierder is that other clients with country flags shown couldn't download anything even though their flags are UI.

Is this some sort of jamming thing to prevent anything from downloading from the torrent???

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"Congratulations player 1" you won the fully awareness of media sentry and co with your seed ;)

Be prepared to advanced to level 2 if your ISP is US based and recieves the fully automated copyright infringement letter from them ;)

if you are actively Downloading and does not like that THEY™ give you headaches with massive hashfails you should at least enter this line into your ipfilter.dat - , 000 , Media Sentry or such fake file assholes
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Hey guys!! Thanks for the answers which validated my suspicion.

Kurahashi - Where is the ipfilter? I checked my client but couldn't find it:(

Kraut - I'm not US based though & i'll add that line if i know where is that ipfilter....lol

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While you are doing that, these can not hurt either. ;) - , 000 , Media Sentry or such fake file assholes - , 000 , FakeTracker - , 000 , DONet,Inc Fakefilesassholes - , 000 , DONet,Inc Fakefilesassholes

but note that a filterlist does not "protect" you against the (stupid) greedy corporatenal bribed copyright lawenforcement agencies!


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Hey guys!!! Sorry, but i'm not technically savvy. So, how do you get that ipfilter dat.??? Do you use notepad to write it or there is one that could be downloaded??

Another thing, recently i downloaded a torrent & those bunch of buggers are there too. I've noticed that what actually happened is that they download from the first bunch of peers until all of them have reached their quotas for seeding their respective ratios & leaves the said torrent leaving no one to seed for the rest of us!!! I've also noticed that the peers keeps on getting higher but no one seeds. IMO, from what i've seen, they repeated this process over & over until we gives up the torrent....grrrrrrrr.

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  • 7 months later...

Blocklists are only good in BitTorrent for reducing the number of poisoners on "polluted" torrents. It doesn't have to be 100% effective there, because BitTorrent clients will keep retrying a piece till they get it with a good hash result...even if they have to auto-ban EVERY seed and peer to do it!

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