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Transfer/move incomplete torrents and settings to a new PC


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I have moved all the '.torrents' and 'resume' and 'resume.dat.old' files from the Windows XP User/Application Data/uTorrent folder.

I have also moved the folders with the incomplete downloads from my old PC's 'My Documents/My Videos' folder to the New PC's equivalent folder. Of course the PC user and folder names will be different in the directory path, so the old settings will no longer be valid for this new PC. I will have to re-teach uTorrent where each incomplete download is located now on this new PC.

I read the FAQ about how to open torrents in a folder. So I did.

And now at least all the torrents are listed in uTorrent 1.6 in the new PC. :)

But they all have a red X and has 'Error: Can't open .torrent file C:\old directory locations...'


I tried right clicking each torrent listed and tried: Force Re-check, Advanced-Set Download Location, Start, Force Start, Open Containing Folder, and Clear Peer List. None have worked.

How do I teach my new PC's uTorrent the correct directory names and structures for this old bunch of downloads?

I did not transfer 2 files, 'settings' and 'dht' from the old PC User/Application Data folder. I figure that's not necessary.

Much Thanks.

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