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Add maximum active intra-torrent files setting


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Currently, users can only prioritize files inside a torrent (High/Normal/Low) but all of the files take bandwidth at the same time.

I think an option to define maximum active downloads inside a torrent (like we have for the whole torrents queue) would be useful to make files ready to be open based on their name order without the need to re-prioritize them every time a file is finished to download out of a long list of the same torrent files.

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Whenever I set all files but a specific one on "Don't Download", that file will be downloaded quickly since it doesn't share bandwidth with the others.

I would like an option to set number of active intra-torrent files simultaneously (so I could set it on 1 in my case).

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Up to 16 files, you can prioritize all selected (right click), and it will almost download one by one, in the order you have.  

The general idea of loading only one file is bad, since it can have a bad effect on the whole swarm-sharing/speed. 

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