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create a torrent invalade tracker URL


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hay when I create a torrent for a private site I get a worning invalade tracker URL do you wunt to continue without a tracker. I select yes and evrey thing works fine? its done this five times and its seeding all of them OK


this one [link removed by moderator]


Merged double post(s):

I apolagise but I wus asked for the tracker URL and it wus late and I wus sleepey and I thought it wuld be easer for whoever checked it out :) O and by the way eney idea wut the problem:( is thanks


EDIT by silverfire: Please read the forum content rules before posting.

EDIT2 by silverfire: The edit function exists for a reason. Please do not double post.


Wow reading your post makes me feel like I'm reading an E.E.Cummings poem all over =o

Did you put http:// at the beginning of the tracker URL...? If it was udp://, µTorrent doesn't support UDP trackers.


agin I apolagise I dident relise I wus dubel posting. I rote my response in the txt box at the bottem of the page and submited. this time I clicked the reply to post. I hope I dident mess up agin!

NOW no its not UDP its http://www.(site name).org/announce.php

would you like a screen shot of it sent somware ware nobodey elce will see the tracker URL.

sorey VINNY


First I have two. settings.dat & settings.dat.old yes I know you ment the first one. Just being informative

second: will that mess with eneything curentley seeding?

therd: THANKS agin your allwase there :)

forth: yes evrey thing should be corect it's exactley the way I did uthers onley without the error! witch is why I started this thred in found bugs.My mistake maby but it seemed like a bug to me. O well eney ideas I'd like to know wut's up eneyway.



I meant both (hence the asterisk *) :P

You might have to reload all the torrents, but I think they should resume fine without having to recheck. Just in case, don't delete the settings.dat, but move it to another directory instead.


ok hears the solution the URL had ben coppyd and pasted into the txt box for the URL so puting the cursor infrunt of it still wuldent let you backspace SO I enterd it agin underneth the first and it enterd one space to the left put cursor to rite of first one backspaced it out put cursor to left of second one hit backspace to move to top and WALA no more worning. so actualey you were rite about the space in frunt of it :)

I just couldent remove it in the normal fashon. :(


Merged double post(s):

O and removing the settings.dat* hade no affect on enyething after restarting Utorrent all wus as before with no interuptions in seeding torrents :) and a new settings.dat file


PS thanks agin

EDIT by silverfire: The edit function exists for a reason. Please do not double post.


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