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After rechecking completed torrent I have extreme data loss--Help!


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So I am downloading a torrent and everything seems to be working fine with all ports forwarded and all the settings correctly configured, but when the torrent is complete I recheck it. After the recheck the torrent sometimes goes from 100% all the way down to ~70%. I go through this process of rechecking and restarting many times, until it stays at 100%. I do not understand why this happens and I'm pretty sure this used to happen with Azureus as well.

Could Someone please help me to understand my problem and maybe point me in the direction of a solution?


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if it goes down 30 % that means that something on your machine is changing the content after you have downloaded it!

either some malware that corrupts it, or a mediaplayer that changes (for example an ID3) tag in the file.

or could be your hardware has some issues so µT can not read the (first properly written) file flawlessly back form your HDD.

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How can a mediaplayer change a torrent if I have not opened said torrent? All I did was wait till it was finished and immediately do a force-recheck.

The most logical thing sounds like a hardware issue so could someone go into more specifics about this and maybe some ways of solving the problem?

I am not ruling anything out just yet.

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"All I did was wait till it was finished and immediately do a force-recheck."

1) there is absolutely NO technical reason to do such thing. the Protocoll itself makes sure that only valid pieces gets written to disk! So in the future refrain yourself from doing this

2) the hardware thingy; bad ram for example (test with memtest), a dying HDD (test with spinrite) a loose cable (test with own hand)

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