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Another Seeding Etiquette Question


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Another variation on the "how long to seed" question.

Soo... Picture this:

You start downloading a torrent and there are plenty of seeders, and especially those  @ 100% .  At say 75%, the 100% ers go away.  You are left at 75%, along with 20 of your new found friends.   You stay active and your ratio goes up and up.  Gaining and loosing peers (lemmings come to mind). But without that elusive 100% seeder, no one ever breaks the 75% mark.

Assuming your ratio is 5 or 10 X ( informal target before deleting a torrent), an active 100% will probably never return, when do you cut your losses?  How many days?

Asking for a friend.  

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Cutting the loss when you don't have 100% will default to incomplete download and that would be corrupted or worse fails download. So unless you have 100% downloaded on your side to upload in return stopping will affect you not them if they are still downloading. Your choice to cut and run is your choice ad it won't affect others downloading/uploading the torrent the swarm will be smaller and that what ends up happening.

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