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way to change incoming port programmatically?


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I am using a VPN (PIA) which provides port forwarding.  Unfortunately it will occasionally change which port is assigned to me in a random manner.  Each time this happens I have to go to utorrent GUI and manually change the incoming port parameter to the new value.

Is there any way to dynamically change the incoming port value in utorrent that could be done programmatically so that I can script something that may detect this change from the VPN and then update utorrent's configuration automatically?  Ideally without having to restart utorrent either, running final torrent 2.2.1 on windows.


22 hours ago, Dewdman42 said:

unfortunately the response from my VPN is that I should just manually change the port in utorrent when it changes.


Then that is what you have to do every time when they change they probably do this to protect their system so there hacking isn't possible with the IP constantly changing.


so you're saying for sure its not possible to automate utorrent configuration of the port?

Another thing I'm considering is setting up an stunnel port on this computer which could theoretically let me automate it that way.  Maybe.  its a windows machine so automating stuff like that isn't always that straight forward.  


You have no control over how the VPN changes their port forwarding since utorrent doesn't sync with their VPN change. Windows has nothing to do with utorrent software itself those are two different software. Unless utorrent takes over that VPN company and integrates with utorrent syncing that is the only way-which is highly unlikely here.


I wasn't meaning that.  somehow we are not communicating well PiusX.

I was talking about stunnel when I mentioned windows.  Implementing an stunnel deamon as well as possibly a script that can change its configuration and restart the deamon would be pretty easy on linux/OSX, but I have no idea how to do that on Windows...I'm not nearly as knowledgeable and Windows doesn't always support those kinds of tools as well as linux/OSX.

I think you are saying, conclusively, that there is no possible way to change the port assignment in Utorrent other then opening the GUI and using my mouse to go to the port field and type in a new value.  Can you confirm that for sure?  It might be able to use some kind of mouse/keyboard automation tool I suppose, but I probably wouldn't want to go down that rabbit hole.

I think the VPN client I am using has a way to detect new connections and react to do custom things at my end,,.,but its up to me now to figure out how to automate either utorrent...or perhaps stunnel as a way to react to a new port assignment.



uTorrent server on linux lets you change port through console.

I don't think windows build has CLI that allows changing config.

Alternatively you can look at other torrent clients that support this. Eg: Deluge


Hey thanks that is useful.  I would hate to give up on utorrent, been using it a long time.  That might be a reason for me to run it inside a linux VM though..  Thanks for the heads up about the console access.  


@Drewdman42, if you haven't looked at the forum where your posting this is for Windows O/S systems. You should change VPN if your having that much issue using the current VPN.


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