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The BTT Exchange Protocol will most likely remain offline until the full Binance <> uTorrent integration is complete.


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I've posted somewhat hastily in this thread detailing all my findings. I'll repost here for those that are not on reddit.

On May 12th, the BTT Speed wallet exchange went down. The announcement was that it was going to be a 2 hour maintenance, but it actually ended up being... more than 2 weeks now. The exchange is still down.

On May 12th, the day of the announced maintenance downtime, a new webui helper used to facilitate the uTorrent and BT Client's Web API with the BTT exchange protocol was pushed out to all uTorrent 3.5.5 and BT 7.10.5 clients, regardless of whether you used BTT Speed or not.  All the evidence and code can still be found and examined yourself in the webUI helper update that was pushed out (located in /AppData/Roaming/uTorrent/ folder)

Full JS File on GitHub

New API Points found:

			email: {
				get: {},
				post: {}
			"binance/binance_info": {
				get: {},
				post: {
					body: String
			"binance/quote_info": {
				get: {},
				post: {
					params: {
						crypto_currency: String,
						base_currency: String,
						fiat_currency: String,
						requested_amount: String,
						pay_type: String,
						quote_id: String
			"binance/create_transaction": {
				post: {
					params: {
						order_id: String,
						quote_id: String
			"binance/recent_transactions": {
				get: {}

Some VueJS functions:

			fetchEmailInfo: {
				type: Function,
				default: function () {}
			emailInfo: {
				type: Object,
				default: function () {
					return {
						email: String,
						isVerified: Boolean
			createAndApproveQuote: {
				type: Function,
				default: function () {}
			checkBinanceUserStatus: {
				type: Function,
				default: function () {}
			preCheckRedirectUrl: {
				type: String,
				default: ""
			bindRedirectUrl: {
				type: String,
				default: ""
			fetchBinanceTransactions: {
				type: Function,
				default: function () {}
			binanceTransactions: {
				type: Object,
				default: function () {
					return {
						total: 0,
						rows: []

Some more VueJS functions and front-end helpers:

			columns: function () {
				return [{
					label: this.$t("Date & Time"),
					field: "created_time",
					width: "160px"
				}, {
					label: "Pay",
					field: "requested_amount",
					type: "number",
					thClass: "binance-table-th-content-center",
					tdClass: "binance-table-td-content-center"
				}, {
					label: "Receive",
					field: "obtain_amount",
					type: "number",
					formatFn: this.formatAmount,
					thClass: "binance-table-th-content-center",
					tdClass: "binance-table-td-content-center"
				}, {
					label: "Status",
					field: "status",
					width: "100px",
					thClass: "binance-table-th-content-center",
					tdClass: "binance-table-td-content-center"
			filterCheckedArr: function () {
				return this.filterArr.filter((function (e) {
					return e.isChecked
				})).map((function (e) {
					return e.name


		created: function () {
			this.checkPreCheckRedirectUrl(), this.handleGAEvent("PaymentPageScreen")
		mounted: function () {
		methods: {
			checkPreCheckRedirectUrl: function () {
			waitUntillIframeLoaded: function () {
				var e = this;
				document.getElementById("binance-iframe").addEventListener("load", (function () {

[e._v("\n            You will be redirected to Binance to complete the verification process after " + e._s(e.redirectTimeout) + " sec\n        ")])]) : e._e(), e._v(" "), e._e(), e._v(" "), e.showTransferSuccessModal ? n("wallet-buy-success-modal", {
				attrs: {
					handleModalCancelClick: e.closeTransferSuccessModal
			}) : e._e(), e._v(" "), 1 === e.step ? [n("div", {
				staticClass: "wallet-buy-step-1"
			}, [n("bt-card", {
				staticClass: "exchange-sell-card"
			}, [n("div", {
				staticClass: "card-item-grid"
			}, [n("div", {
				staticClass: "sub-card"
			}, [n("div", {
				staticClass: "title"
			}, [e._v("PAY")]), e._v(" "), n("div", {
				staticClass: "balance center"
			}, [n("bt-select", {
				attrs: {
					options: {
						first: {
							nativeName: "USD",
							value: "USD"
			}, [n("div", {
				staticClass: "option-selected",
				attrs: {
					slot: "option-selected"
				slot: "option-selected"
			}, [n("div", {
				staticClass: "text"
			}, [e._v("\n                                        USD\n                                    ")])])]), e._v(" "), n("bt-input-box", {
				staticClass: "amount",
				attrs: {
					inputType: "crypto",
					"data-testid": "sell",
					placeholder: "0.00",
					message: e.baseCurrencyMessage,
					showMessage: e.isInvalidBaseCurrency,
					isInvalid: e.isInvalidBaseCurrency
				on: {
					input: e.updateCryptoCurrencyStr
				model: {
					value: e.baseCurrencyStr,
					callback: function (t) {
						e.baseCurrencyStr = t
					expression: "baseCurrencyStr"
			})], 1)])])]), e._v(" "), n("svg-icon", {
				staticClass: "arrow-forward-icon",
				attrs: {
					icon: "arrow-forward"
			}), e._v(" "), n("bt-card", {
				staticClass: "exchange-buy-card"
			}, [n("div", {
				staticClass: "card-item-grid"
			}, [n("div", {
				staticClass: "sub-card"
			}, [n("div", {
				staticClass: "title"
			}, [e._v("Estimated Receive")]), e._v(" "), n("div", {
				staticClass: "balance center"
			}, [n("div", {
				staticClass: "buy-btt-box"
			}, [n("div", {
				staticClass: "buy-btt-box-top"
			}, [n("svg-icon", {
				staticClass: "speed-icon",
				attrs: {
					icon: "speed"
			}), e._v(" "), n("span", [e._v("BTT in-app")])], 1), e._v(" "), n("div", {
				staticClass: "buy-btt-box-bottom"
			}, [n("span", [e._v(e._s(e.currentBalance))])])]), e._v(" "), n("bt-input-box", {
				staticClass: "amount",
				attrs: {
					inputType: "crypto",
					"data-testid": "buy",
					placeholder: "0.00"
				on: {
					input: e.updateBaseCurrencyStr
				model: {
					value: e.cryptoCurrencyStr,
					callback: function (t) {
						e.cryptoCurrencyStr = t
					expression: "cryptoCurrencyStr"


		a = [function () {
			var e = this,
				t = e.$createElement,
				n = e._self._c || t;
			return n("div", {
				staticClass: "top"
			}, [n("span", {
				staticClass: "top-title"
			}, [e._v("Email Verification")]), e._v(" "), n("span", {
				staticClass: "content-text"
			}, [n("p", [e._v("\n                    To continue, please provide a valid email address. If you already have a Binance account, please use\n                    the same one.\n                ")]), e._v(" "), n("p", [e._v("\n                    This service is provided in collaboration with\n                    "), n("a", {
				attrs: {
					href: "https://www.binance.com/",
					target: "_blank"
			}, [e._v("Binance")]), e._v(" in accordance with our\n                    "), n("a", {
				attrs: {
					href: "https://www.bittorrent.com/legal/privacy-policy/",
					target: "_blank"
			}, [e._v("Privacy Policy")]), e._v(".\n                ")])])])

API requests/responses in the wild with plenty of evidence for a planned Binance integration:


The entire thread and findings can be found in the original Reddit page. Two days ago, I believe they did a massive test of some sort. Judging by how the exchange is still down, either:

1) The protocol/integration is unsatisfactory and more development time is needed.
2) They are waiting for "the perfect announcement time" for the news for maximum pumpage. (Don't forget, this is a Tron project :P )

Either way, IF THERE IS NO BTT BALANCE IN THIS WALLET: [ TA1EHWb1PymZ1qpBNfNj9uTaxd18ubrC7a ]  DO NOT EVEN ATTEMPT TO WITHDRAW. You're wasting your time. Look, I'm just as frustrated as you are, but there's no point in posting more threads asking where your BTT went, or why the exchange is still down. We already have two pages filled with that.

The BTT Team has made it crystal clear that they do not want to share details with us. Again, that points to either 1) a huge security/exploit found in the protocol that they are trying to keep under wraps; or 2) binance moon announcement. #1 I tolerate to a certain degree, but #2... eh, not so much.

Again, if you're looking for a community that actually is active, knowledgeable, and passionate about BTT Speed, /r/BTT_Speed is the community to be in. All seeders, some experts and some newbies, but no shill all serious discussions.

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1 hour ago, mmeliksah said:

What is this basicly bro? Please explean with basic words

These are some good news, but it's nothing official yet. I haven't seen @techster saying anything about it, maybe because they are still working on it, as YK0104 said.

Direct Binance integration for BTT = most likely the price will go up again at some point. 


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