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Windows 11 pains


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I have had Windows 11 pre-release for a while now, and never had any problems.  Now it's the official realease of Windows 11, but since the last update of uTorrent (3.5.5 build 46074), I get issues with uTorrent freezing.

This doesn't always happen, and am not sure if there is a pattern, other than when adding or removing torrents, and possibly when the computer exits hibernation.  When this happens there's usually a few torrents already processing (either downloading or seeding).  This also causes some of the Windows UI not to respond (e.g. Task Manager window might become hidden, Windows Explorer might not respond, and rebooting can be tricky even using Ctrl-Alt-Del, Alt-Tab to switch window does not respond)

I hope this helps with troubleshooting.

All the best



Edited by AAG1966
added about hibernation
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Is this the official O/S that came with the computer and if not what was the previous O/S? I wouldn't use a computer that uses PreRelease O/S unless your testing it. If the Previous O/S was Windows 10 and worked without issues then you should first revert back and see if the issues doesn't still happen.

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